Where's my curb-side recycling?
This is a bit of a longer story. Our recycling depot and any potential curb-side pickup of recycling is currently heavily subsidized by Recycle BC. A while ago (10+ years) Recycling BC went around and asked if there was any appetite for curb-side pickup in the rural areas, and Roberts Creek, as well as Halfmoon Bay, said yes, while Elphinstone and West Howe Sound said no. This has been a stumbling block so far for wholesale implementation, but it may be possible to change this in the future. In Halfmoon Bay there seems to be little appetite in curb-side pickup at this point in time, leaving Roberts Creek as the lone outlier. We are still in the process of figuring out whether we can go ahead on our own and how much it will cost. There will be a survey in January of 2021 to see where interest truly lies.
One of the issues people have with curb-side recycling is that not everything that is accepted at the depot will be collected curb-side, meaning that we will still have to go to the depot to get rid of those products that aren't collected. Some argue that people will actually send more stuff to the landfill because they believe that folks will only recycle what is collected curb-side and bin the rest. Some of this can be managed with communication, but it is true, there will be those that will not be as conscientious as others with recycling, but those are likely the people who may not be recycling at all right now. We have limited control over what can and can't be collected, as this is regulated by Recycle BC.
Items that will be collected curb-side are:
1. Hard plastics like containers
2. Paper, paper packaging and cardboard
3. Cartons and paper cups
4. Aluminum containers
5. Steel containers
Items that will not be collected curb-side are:
1. Glass containers and jars
2. Plastic bags and overwrap
3. Foam packaging
4. Other flexible paper packaging
5. Other things like lightbulbs, books, batteries, paint cans, used electronics etc.